Pioneer Night 

Wednesday, April 9 | 5 p.m - 8:30 p.m. | BC3 Main Campus

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Wednesday April 9, 2025 6:40pm - 7:10pm EDT
Are you are rising high school sophomore, junior, or senior? If so, this session is just for you!

Find out how you can get a jump start on your college education through BC3's High School Programs. You will learn the difference between College Now and College Within the High School, the steps to apply, and how to get enrolled.

Though BC3's credits are recognized and transferrable at many four-year colleges and universities, we hope that you'll spend the evening exploring all that we have to offer.

Helpful hint: There will be an application station and campus tours during each session in the Heaton Family Learning Commons a.k.a. our state-of-the-art library! Check it out!
avatar for James Frank

James Frank

Assistant Director of High School Programs, BC3
Wednesday April 9, 2025 6:40pm - 7:10pm EDT
Humanities & Education Building (HE), Room 123 107 College Drive Butler, PA 16002

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